Saturday, October 3, 2015

Doctor Theatre


Long time no blog. My apologies, I've had some time off and I used it to do...NOTHING!
I had all these ideas about how I'd spend my days, places I'd go, people I'd see but I spent most of them reclining on the sofa watching rubbish TV!

Now many actors will tell you that as soon as their body gets a break they get ill, and I am no exception. I thought I'd dodged this thespian phenomenon but no... On Tuesday I started to feel a bit under the weather. Now the optimist in me thought - it's fine, I just didn't sleep well. The pessimist thought - uh oh. 
Come Thursday my voice was sounding a bit hoarse (even more manly that my natural "earthy" tones) and breathing felt ever so slightly like an effort! 

I managed to get a doctors appointment (which is a small miracle in itself) and when I got there the very lovely doctor said the words every working actor finds absolutely hilarious. "Get some rest" - ha! REST?! ME?! Don't be ridiculous!!  

I explained that I was off to Liverpool the next day to do a play hence why I couldn't just get some rest and take a day off work, so he said, "well I hope you don't have too many lines". We had a bit of a chuckle about the fact it was a one woman show and that I couldnt take any of his advice then he sent me on my way with some antibiotics (incase it went to my chest) and words of good luck.

For those of you who aren't aware in a lot  of theatre there are NO understudies. The show simply must go on. Save for a bereavement, being in hospital or unable to actually get out of bed you WILL be going on stage. I've been in shows with buckets for people to throw up in backstage (once was for me - Sinbad in Keswick 2005). Basically If you can go on you will. 

So come friday morning it was full steam ahead! When I say full steam I mean I rather pathetically moped around feeling sorry for myself... 
The hardest thing about it all was that I simply had no energy. I kept trying to go over my lines but it was nicer to just lay my head on the desk in my dressing room and close my eyes!  

Something you often hear talked about in this industry is Dr Theatre. He'll fix it! When you've lost your voice Dr Theatre will bring it back, just long enough for the show! If you've twisted your ankle, Dr Theatre will help you not feel the pain until the curtain call.
Dr Theatre is really just the mix of nerves, adrenalin and smidgen of magic you get from performing live.

I missed a few little bits out and ad lib'd a little bit too but I with a little help from the Dr I got there in the end but damn I've never felt so relieved to take a bow.  

So this is a long winded way of saying it's all been a bit woe is me in the last few days but hopefully I'm on the mend now. Next week is a busy week with 4 shows at 4 venues in 4 days! 

On that note I'd better go. The show at the Unity in Liverpool is on in just over 2 hours. It's time to have a redbull, find the echinacea and take some ibuprofen. Even Doctor theatre needs a little help! 

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